Show is Down

This week the installation was taken down. All the mice were packed away, books were boxed, furniture returned, floor disassembled and television turned off. What a wonderful experience it has been for me. Art in House is not a typical commercial gallery; they are a modern, nature centered, teaching and learning environment. I can honestly say that through this experience, as an artist and person, I have grown, learned and accomplished more than I thought possible, all with the help of Max, Jon, Mar and Jenn, the wonderful team behind Art in House. Thank you so much!

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What have I learned?

Those 600 mice might sound like a lot, but actually filled less floor space than I had originally hoped for!

Nothing is set in stone. What you may think will look good, often looks way better completed differently.

I learned how to budget my time, making my future endeavors much more possible and less foreboding. Work ethic is essential in completing large projects.

Always ask for and listen to others comments and suggestions.

That I can blog, and build a webpage.

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Some things I noticed…

My favourite part of the show was the people and their interaction with the rocks. Very few hesitated to come up onto the sub floor, pick up, study and move the mice. Not your normal art show.

Another curious thing I found exciting was that people would create their own personal vignettes of the mice with their cameras and cell phones to take home with them. I would love to have some of these images to share on the blog. Just send them to me and I will create space for them!


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