Mouse Devotion


In a past post, More than Just Mice, I talked about art, mice and symbolism. Surfing the web for interesting mice paraphernalia I came across a web page by Lorna Owen about the very subject. Owen goes into great depth about the symbolism that exists in the 17th century painting Dessert Still Life by artist Georg Flegel. This painting seems to be full of historical and religious symbols as well as some talk of mice.


Dessert Still Life  Georg Flegel 17th century Oil on wood, 22 x 28 cm

That however was only the beginning and I found  that Lorna Owen is truly a mouse aficionado.  After reading the page, I started to look at other pages on the website and realized the entire site was devoted to our friend or foe, the mouse!  Mouse Interrupted is a spectacular website. The article about the painting is called Visions of Sugarplums which can be found on the home page. Do not stop there, since the site is filled with wonderful stories from dancing mice to tiny flower sculptures made of mice bones. Owen has also written a book about the topic of mice, titled mouse muse The Mouse in Art.  I think I can safely say she is one person who thinks mice are nice!





Image of Dessert Still Life:

Image of Mouse Muse :

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